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Beautiful Gate Lesotho exists to reach out to orphaned, abandoned, and neglected children ages new-born to 5 years old, and give them the love they need and deserve.


In a country afflicted by overwhelming poverty (2 in 5 people live on less than £1 a day) and extreme disease (over 1 in 4 people are HIV positive), children are often treated with no more respect or worth than a discarded chocolate bar wrapper and can be found dumped in a rubbish bin, a toilet pit, or alone in a forest. 


Here at St Peter's, we've been supporting Beautiful Gate for some years though fundraising events and regular giving, driven by Jenny Dobson who regularly visits and volunteers on site in Maseru.


You can read her blog covering all her visits since 2012 to get a feel for what life is like in Lesotho and at Beautiful Gate.

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