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Prayers of Love and Faith

Sermon delivered by Revd. Sue Smith on Bible Sunday introducing the Prayers of Love and Faith


God has given us entire chapters in his Word to call us to reflection, repentance and dependence upon him.


One such chapter is Isaiah 55.


A mysterious speaker comes to the people, cries out in the street like a vendor of goods, calling everyone to be refreshed. An image of the waters is set before us as already being available for knowing the way of the Lord.


“Come to the waters!” is the cry.

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​This invitation to free water, fine food, contrasts with a life lived in exile with no assurances of survival, let alone a feast. Under oppression, in separation, away from all that is nourishing, and familiar, people are living a truly diminished life. They are famished.


Although the book of Isaiah was written for Israel, it has too, a wonderful implication for people of faith today, because it reveals the character of God and God’s disposition towards his people.


Here is God speaking to a discouraged people in captivity whose future was uncertain and whose life was hard. These words in Isaiah unfold God’s plan for moving his people from their thirst and longing, to the joy of fulfilment, peace and belonging.


God is saying - Because I love you, I have given you all the words you need about my ways and my thoughts. I delivered them to you in my Word. My Word will do exactly what I intend it to do. If you will make my thoughts your thoughts and will choose the paths that are my paths, I will do my part. I will use my Word to deliver you.


As Church we are charged with a tremendous responsibility concerning God’s words. We cannot use God’s word to beat people down, or to justify exiling people without hope of love or justice, or a poverty of blessings ...but we can use God’s words to change people’s world for the better; for acceptance, for justice, for tolerance, for communicating, for peace, for uplifting humanity, for love, for unity.


The meal God offers us in Isaiah isn’t available to buy. Someone else, the God of heaven and earth, has already picked up the tab for us; because we couldn’t have paid for it anyway---that which God has invited us to in Christ, 'to come and get’ is the very nourishment for our daily lives.


After all the Lord calls us to listen to God and feed upon what is good .... our ‘soul food’.


The Bible often uses banquet imagery as a symbol of salvation, our health and safety in the Lord. God says. ‘Come and get it’ to all whom our sins burden. To all who are hungry for eternal life, God says ‘Come and get it!’. To all who thirst for his Word, the living water, God says ‘come and get it’.


When we have understood this, that every one of us is valued and loved on the basis of Jesus Christ’s redeeming love, life, death and resurrection, we know that all are equally held in this grace and called to live together in love and ,as we do this, we pray that we will learn from one another and discover more of the challenge towards holy living ,the wideness of God’s mercy ,as the Spirit moves within us and between us in the absolute belief nobody is outside the love of God.


In this context the Prayers of Love and Faith, a series of prayers commended by the Church of England's Bishops, may now be used to pray with and for same sex couples who love one another, and who wish to give thanks and mark that love, in. faith, before God.


This must not be confused with a marriage nor wedding blessing but include prayers of dedication and thanksgiving, prayers for guidance, for companionship, for God’s blessing and for the couples' homes and families. These prayers are to be within an existing authorised liturgy under Canon B2 Church of England, A Service of the Word or Holy Communion.


Our PCC, considering the bishop’s commendation and our own identity as an Inclusive Church family, have voted to adopt these prayers that may be used, at the discretion of the parish priest, with couples who would like their commitment to each other recognised by the church, before God.


One such prayer for guidance is  - ‘Father of all, in Jesus Christ you open to us the treasures of your kingdom, guide us by your Holy Spirit that we may receive your redeeming grace and reflect the unity of your love, for you live and reign Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever, Amen.’


God’s words have the power to transform the world eternally. God promises milk and wine without payment., it offers restoration of the people of Israel from exile. The promise held in God’s words are hope for us, broken and helpless people. For God acknowledges that people may not have the capacity to understand his ways, but his ways are good and in them is life

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